"Lost World" video work

An impossible scene suddenly comes into our imaginations. How would we reactif we found ourselves
under a hammer with a power beyond our comprehension ?

Like the pulling force of magnetic power, the atmosphere of this destruction and the remaining houses
and roads bring forth an other-worldly feeling. While these scene fight against the new city in the process
of being built, my interests turn to the people I meet here. Why do these people continue to live in such
an environment ?

When I peek into their circumstances, I realize there is a more complicated social side to the scene before
me. Why these residents continue to live here is related to the power structure of the country. While I
continue my observations here, I personally
am hesitant about being in such a helpless place. However,
I find myself moved by the whisper-like comments of these residents. Will anything come of my listening
to them?

How their fate will unfold, even they do not know. Even through injustice, these people continue on with
their lives. So, as they strive for a foundation to support themselves,
they grope for conclusions by sharing their personal tales with me, a person they met by chance. Like the elderly couple who glorify the times of Mao Zedong still look forward to a new life. And the painter who found his way from downtown Beijing
this village only to discover his final resting place is gone, like the old poet Tao Yuanming, he spends
his days simply immersed in his art. Finding these pieces of their stories resonating with me, I decide to further develop their narratives.




works > Lost World_video > AS


